Monday, October 31, 2011

6th sci: none

7th sci: test tomorrow
7th lang:  none

8th sci: none
8th bible: none

9th sci: SR 5.1 and take notes on what you read to turn in

Thursday, October 27, 2011

** I will not be here Friday. The sub will work on assignments in class.  Some students will have to finish for HW what they didn't complete in class.  

6th sci: none

7th sci: none
7th lang:  test monday

8th sci: none
8th bible: none

9th sci:  extra credit due monday, test monday

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

6th sci: none

7th sci: none
7th language: write final copy of "how to..." paper

8th sci: none
8th bible: study sheet for a grade

9th sci: none,  report due friday and extra credit due monday...TEST monday

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

6th sci: none

7th sci: none unless you didn't finish your late mitosis flipbook
7th lang: "How to..." rough draft (follow the rubric)

8th sci: test tomorrow
8th bible: finish page 50

9th sci: ch rev p. 106 #1-10
laws of motion sports report due friday 28th
defy laws of motion extra credit due mon 31st
(follow guidelines for both)

Friday, October 21, 2011

6th sci: family heredity information worksheet

7th sci: mitosis flip book (6 cards) done by monday.  20 completed by wednesday.
7th lang: ws 22

8th sci:  chapter review p 99 #1-15
8th bible: crossword pzl p. 48-49

9th sci: read 4.4 and do wb 21... sports report due friday 28th and extra credit due monday 31st. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

6 sci: vocabulary for chapter 4 either in notebooks or on flashcards (your choice)

7 sci: none
7 lang: ws 21, use your text and take your time to think about these answers

8 sci: sun crossword
8 bible: finish p. 43

9 sci: quiz over sections 4.1 and 4.2

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

6 sci: test tomorrow

7 sci: test tomorrow
7 lang: final draft due tomorrow for I.M. LOST 3 paragraphs

8sci: none
8 bible: reflection page 42

9 sci: wb 19

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

sorry for the delay.  internet was down at school

6 SCI: none

7TH SCI: none
7 LANG: none test thursday

8 SCI: wb 51 labeling the sun to turn in
8 BIBLE: page 41 summarize scripture references given in class

9 SCI: finish wb 18

Monday, October 17, 2011

6 SCI: none

7 SCI: Chapter review p. 74 #1-10
7 LANG: "I. M. LOST" write 3 paragraphs about how you, as a detective, found the missing lunch box.  Use a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a conclusion. 

8 SCI: wb 49
8 BIBLE: none

9 SCI: none

Friday, October 14, 2011

6 SCI: finish up mitosis song with group members on monday

7 SCI: none
7 LANG: "no sound" paragraph

8 SCI: make sure sr 4a is done
8 BIBLE: none

9 SCI: make sure both sr 4-1 and 4-2 are completed for monday.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

6 SCI: read page 37 and do wb 3.7a

7 SCI: none
7 LANG: none

8 SCI: sr 4a
8 BIBLE: none

9 SCI: sr 89

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

6TH SCI: wb 3.5A

7TH SCI: workbook 52
7TH LANG: none

8TH SCI: test moved to tomorrow
8TH BIBLE:  create a poem about God's love.  Use 1 scripture verse in your poem.  we will continue working on this in class tomorrow, it will be due Friday, typed 14 font.

9TH SCI: none

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

6TH SCI: none

7TH SCI: sr 5a
7TH LANG: finish reading Jug Band and p79 #2

8TH SCI: test wednesday
8TH BIBLE: none

9TH SCI: none

Friday, October 7, 2011

6TH SCI: cell design due tuesday

7TH SCI: test tuesday
7TH LANG: none

8TH SCI: test wednesday
8TH BIBLE: none

9TH SCI: test tuesday

Thursday, October 6, 2011

6TH SCI: none

7TH SCI: none
7TH LANG: none

8TH SCI: test next wednesday
8TH BIBLE: none

9TH SCI: velocity and acceleration calculations ws

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

6TH SCI: none

7TH SCI: test tomorrow
7TH LANG: none

8TH SCI: create a fill-in vocab quiz using 20 words
8TH bible:  p 31-32 #3a-e

9TH SCI: p 81 # 1-4

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

6TH SCI: none

7TH SCI: test thursday
7TH LANG: none

8TH SCI: sec rev 3c-3
8TH BIBLE: none

9TH SCI: none

Monday, October 3, 2011

6TH SCI: cell organelle quiz tomorrow based on in-class worksheet

7TH SCI: self quiz page 64
7TH LANG: none

8TH SCI:  sec rev 3c-2
8TH BIBLE: none

9TH SCI: none